I will leave the formal introduction for another post. I have learnt that as much as I would like to record events in chronological order, it is just not realistic for me, for now...
So, down to the nitty gritty - literally! I'm de-cluttering! It's only taken me about 10 years to get around to it! I never really 'nested' as will be explained in the introduction of our little one, who is now 8 months by the way!! so we live in an organised chaos as I have always done! I get it from my mother who would always let things build up and then have a big clean up rather than little and often. Looking back, she was a single mum and worked part time too so I can understand why that was the way she did things.
I want to live a more simple life. One where I can invite people in for coffee without worrying about the state of our front room and more importantly a peaceful place for our son to grow up in. You can follow my journey.
I discovered a blog, written by a fellow mum and home manager who was running 'Project: Simplify'. 'your home. five weeks. five hot spots. organised.' During March 7 - April 8 2011. Good timing, I'll do it! She had me hooked already, I read on, 'If you’ve always wanted to really declutter your home, but lose hope or steam after just a few hours, this will be the ticket.' That's me! Furthermore, I bought her book, to keep up my momentum for week 1...
The Wardrobe - Before

Week 2 starts tomorrow and I feel I've made great progress so far!
It's been a long time coming!