29 January 2018

Pocket filofax-a-long series Ep01

My YouTube series has started and I'm so excited!
Way more excited than seems to be coming across on camera!

Let me fill in any gaps in the details. So basically I started my YT channel at the beginning of January and it really took off! I don't really know quite what I expected to happen but I'm pretty sure it's far exceeded any expectation I could have had!

I found a bargain pocket filofax and was so cheap I bought one to have a play with as have been very curious about something that size being functional and as it was so cheap I bought a handful.
After some YT searching I discovered that not many people were using showing them as planners and mainly just wallets so I got my thinking cap on, particularly as many of the newer filofax users are just getting started and with the prices they cost, a pocket size may be all someone (I) can afford.

I've made so many friends in the online filofax community and I wanted to thank them for making me feel so welcome so I kicked off the series with a giveaway and gave away seven pocket petal filofax. I got so many comments to say how generous I was but really at the price I paid for them I couldn't possibly accept that compliment! I may reveal at the end of the series how little I actually paid!
(It was the international postage that was generous, I hadn't considered the possibility of them all going abroad, only one stayed in the UK!!!)

So for the first episode I want to inspire people with the many uses for a pocket filofax because I wasn't convinced that something so small could be home to so much info, how wrong was I?!!
This is the I created:
  • Fully functional planner
  • Address & datebook
  • Penpal/swap/RAK tracker
  • Wedding planner
  • Home planner
  • Recipe keeper
  • Wallet
  • Homeschool planner
  • Health/fitness planner
  • Diet/food diary
  • Store card organser
  • Spiritual journal
  • Swatch book
  • Notebook
  • Journal
  • Art Journal
  • ATC keeper
  • Shopping/wishlists
  • Christmas planner
  • Goal planner
  • Gardening/Allotment plans
And that's just off the top of my head, with some more searching I found an amazing list over at Jagged Little Thoughts (I just love that she put them in alphabetical order!)

I want anyone who is joining in to think about what sections they might like to have and gather some supplies to make dividers for those sections ready for next weeks video.

After much YouTube research I've decided I wanted to try out the pocket size as a fully functioning planner and share my experience, tips and tutorials along the way because I felt that not many people are using it that way or just not sharing it!
I really want to see how people use their pocket ffs for other uses than wallets!

Here's the first episode - How to use a pocket filofax.

Back soon
Georgie x