9 January 2014

Better late than never (jump right in)

I am back - for good.
That's a song too, right?

So it's now 2014 and way back when I started this draft post I was going to say I'd realised that in life some things don't happen as you want them too and things don't always turn out how you plan.
You just gotta jump right in.
I've held back in so many aspects of my life in the last few years, purely because I wanted to catch up from the start and do things in chronological order.
It ain't gonna happen.
Life goes on.
Just jump right in.

I am.

When I say jumping in, I actually mean, stepping out.
Putting myself out there, in the open, public, for all to see.
It's scary.
I feel like I've been waiting for the moment that everything is perfect to let people in.
Nothing is perfect, and actually, if I waited for everything to be perfect, I'd have nothing to share!
I want an audience for my journey, to challenge me and to cheer me on.

So for now I'm just going to list the things I plan to cover over the coming year...
  • Filofax/planners
  • Gift ideas
  • Meal planning & recipes
  • Cleaning & Home organising
  • Sewing and papercrafts
  • Project life (scrapbooking)
  • Thrifting, upcycling & re-purposing
  • DIY home decor
 I'm so excited to finally share with you.

Back soon xx
(tomorrow actually!)